Saturday, February 28, 2009

Marcy is a registered nurse who has been on all of the medical mission trips and several other trips as well. She loves children, and if one is available for her to hold--she will hold and love on it. She is a compassionate person who cares for those who need help.

In 2006 the La Palma leadership team made the decision to establish a Christian school in La Palma to "grow a generation of self-supporting Christians who would be part of self-supporting congregations wherever they went". The El Salvador government encouraged this effort and with a big leap of faith the La Palma Christian School began in February 2007 with about 60 children in grades pre-kindergarten through 4th grade. The goal was to teach them the basic, required subjects plus give them computer and business skills and lots of Bible training. In 2008 5th grade was added and 6th grade has now been added. We would like to add a grade each year so students do not have to leave the Christian school environment. Each added grade requires another teacher and more space.

Each year the church has grown larger and the original auditorium is no longer big enough! In late 2008 the government came up with new space requirements for schools, and we were already running out of classrooms. Also, we had started a preacher school in a small rented building and the class size had quicky outgrown it. These situations caused us to begin searching for a larger facility for the church, the Christian school, and the preacher school. We searched and prayed and considered options available.

We were required by the government to submit a plan for expansion by the end of March and actually be in a larger, more adequate facility by the end of June or close the La Palma Christian School. Even though it meant significant increases in the cost of operation to make the move, closing the school was never considered to be an option. At the beginning of February, we did not know what the options were; we just knew that God would provide something if He wanted the work to continue and we believed that He did.

Come back tomorrow for the continuation of this story!
God bless you,

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