Tuesday, April 21, 2009

As we prepare to move the La Palma Christian School and the La Palma church into a new and more secure facility, we face yet another challenge from the Devil himself. Twice in 2 weeks the school has been broken into and thieves took advantage of us. First, they stole about $160 that parents had worked for and contributed toward some school activities.

This past weekend they broke in and took everything electronic - 12 computers with the keyboards, mice, cables, power strips, UPS units, printer, headsets, CD burner, copy machine, and fax machine.

It would appear to be coordinated by someone who knows the system and that there are valuable items stored there. The State Police are investigating.

There are some blessings here: most of the computers were very old and weak. We were planning to replace them in June, but we would rather have given them to the community for educational use. This forces us to go with new and modern units that have been donated and will be much better. The loss in other items, though, is substantial. The UPS units, the headsets, and power cords and copy machine are significant.

God has blessed the work there and will continue to do so. He still owns the cattle on a thousands hills, and He can provide. Rick already has enough computers to more than replace those, and the replacements will be better, faster, and easier to maintain. We will end up with the best computer lab in the country after the June shipment gets installed. The copy machine was old and slow, but it worked. A better one will replace it.

Please pray for the work there--for the teachers, for the preachers, for the students and the church. Please pray for those who stole! The purpose in being there is to save the lost.

God bless you.

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