Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Here is a timeline of the work in La Palma. Just count the trips and the number of people who have gone there!
• 2003 August Scouting Trip - 3 people
• 2004 June scouting, hired 2 preachers, leased small building for church - 2 people
• 2004 December - checkup trip - 3 people
• 2005 March planning trip - 2 people
• 2005 June 41 people and medical campaign
• June 2005 began children's sponsor program for needy children to stay in school
• 2005 December follow-up trip - 6 people
• March 2006 follow-up trip - 3 people
• June 2006 medical campaign- 61 people
• June 2006- 85 children in sponsor program
• September 2006 trip- 11 people
• December 2006 trip - 16 people
• January 2007 trip to start La Palma Christian School - 2 people
• February 2007 - La Palma Christian School began with 57 students
• March 2007 trip - 15 people
• June 2007 trip med at hospital- 31 people
• September 2007 trip - 9 people
• December 2007 trip - 16 people
• March 2008 medical campaign mountains - 42 people
• June 2008 trip - 38 people
• September 2008 trip - 13 people
• December 2008 trip - 10 people
• February 2009 medical trip to mountains - 22 people
• February 2009 - leased new facility and began construction on new auditorium
• May 2009 small evangelistic and planning trip - 6 people
• June 2009 trip - Ambulance presented to the Mayor of La Palma - 43 people
• June 2009- inaugurated new auditorium, cost $43,000
• June 2009 moved church and La Palma Christian School to new facility
• September 2009 trip - unloaded 2 large containers of goods for the people of La Palma and the La Palma Christian School - 16 people
• September 2009- issued contract for construction of new building for Bible Institute and Children's Home
• December 2009 trip- distributed goods, gave out reading glasses - 15 people
• January 2010 - small evangelism campaign - 4 people
• March 2010 - large medical campaign in San Jose Sacare and San Ignacio - 23 people
• May 2010 - trip to finalize payment on new building for Bible Institute and Children's Home - 1 person
• June 2010 - trip with 19 people to teach and preach, includes one medical doctor
• July 2010 - Teresa Barten moves to La Palma to teach English for 18 months
• July 2010 - Lori, Monte, Erin, Nathan Lalli move to La Palma to teach and help the work with the churches, school, Bible Institute, and plan for the orphanage
• September 2010 - 9 people, spent time with the La Palma church, most of the week in Ocotepeque working on the new building.
• December 2010 - 6 people to help with the activities

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