Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Many have asked what it means now that El Salvador has elected a leftist, Marxist, socialist president. The short answer is nothing - at least in the near future. Nothing happens fast in El Salvador---partially the reason that the former party in power lost the election.

The new president is a moderate and has tried to distance himself from Hugo Chavez--at least in his campaigns.

The problem I see is that President Bush and President Saca were good friends and our countries had a good working relationship. Our new president has not even acknowledged that there was an election going on down there and probably hasn't had time to consider it. He may not even know where El Salvador is!

So, we wait and pray that things will not deteriorate to the point that we are unable to continue our work there. However, the seed has been planted there and we can be confident that no matter what happens, God will continue to be preached by those who have learned about Him and decided to follow Him.

We need to read II Chronicles 7:14 each day and pray for our country and for El Salvador.

1 comment:

M and M said...

El Slavador needs a change from the current ARENA Party. Main issues are corruption in Government, crime and poverty.

After 20 years of ARENA, The social inequities are not much better than before the Civil War. Many of the "departmentos" in El Salvador that were strongholds of the FMLN (for example Chalatenango, where LaPalma is located)) are still neglected by the current ARENA Party. This leads to further social inequities.

Pres-elect Funes is more closely aligned with the President of Brazil than he is with Chavez or Castro. The President of Brazil recently met with President Obama and they discussed the election in El Salvador. (Pres-elect Funes' wife is from Brazil)

I recommend the following movie "Innocent Voices" which is about the Civil War in El Salvador and is set in LaPalma, where many of the war atrocities were carried out by the El Salvador Gov't (Which had the backing of the US Gov't) You can buy the movie at Amazon.com but it is in Spanish with English subtitles...Rated R for some war violence and language. But the movie is an accurate account of the facts.

Here is an informative link to some facts about the Civil War.


I am sure many of the older people in LaPalma could tell you first hand of these accounts.

The Catholic Church was in support of the "Rebels" due to the inequities and brutal treatment
of many civilians that lived in the countryside. This is why at least 8 Catholic Priest were murdered during the Civil War.

Let's not put labels on the new Leader. Let's give him a chance to bring about change. Let's pray for him.

I am praying that the new Government will continue to allow our work to be done in LaPalma.