Thursday, June 18, 2009

Good afternoon from La Palma! We are all healthy and busy, and somewhat tired. There is a lot of work being done to make the school better, such as creating more storage and putting in sidewalks. Since space is scarce, we are making use of all wasted space and trying to improve both security and convenience for the teachers. We have inconvenienced the school somewhat but told them that we would not bother them next week. Morris also built a large cabinet for church supplies, class materials, and cleaning supplies.
The young people are visiting homes and doing some sightseeing today. Nurse Charri is still busy and doing some organizing in the medical storage area. Doug is taking photos of the school children. Rick is working feverishly on the local area network for the computer system. Tony is preaching each night and has been asked to return in December as a guest speaker for a youth meeting.
We have no word on the containers. We are caught in a political situation that is out of our control.
Erika, a good friend and church member, has uterine cancer. She has declined to have surgery and started chemo treatments today. She is very sick this afternoon. Please pray for her and her family.
Fransisco and Lorena will be married tomorrow night after the church service. We will have a party for them to help the celebration. Then, Saturday we return to the US unless the containers do not arrive today or tomorrow, in which case some of us will have to stay over.

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