Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It is calm here in La Palma. With the Honduran border closed to commerce, there are no big trucks rolling until Thursday. I can only try to imagine what the border looks like with the apparent hundreds of rigs just waiting - on both sides.

Speaking of waiting, I still am. I stayed in La Palma again today waiting, and I never have been very good at waiting. It is all I can do, but I wait not well. I keep hoping the call will come that things are ready. I even check my phone occasionally to make sure it is working. Salvador, the hotel owner, just spoke with the President's lawyer. He says the papers are ready to sign and the Pres will sign them, but they are busy in a meeting about the Honduras situation until 7:30. The President's secretary told Carmen the same story, so I wait. If he signs them tonight we can get the trucks released from Customs in the morning and be unoading by afternoon. I have been making some visits but am spending most of my time writing reports and the quarterly newsletter that is due today. The newsletter will be late because my mailing list is on the home computer.

I called the embassy again to verify my safety. They assured me I am safe and can even go to Honduras if I want to-- I don't. The lady at citizen services has been very kind and promised to keep me informed if are problems. She honestly does not expect any. If you have my email address, please let me know you are thinking of me. I have used up tons of minutes on my phone and prefer free email conversation.

I have had lots of time to visit with Jose and Jesus. That has been good for all of us. However, I am ready to git-r-dunn and get home! God bless you, Ralph

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