Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Good morning from La Palma! We are well and healthy and happy and busy. Today the school and church equipment and supplies and furniture are being moved to the new facility. We just got a surprise visit from the Ministry of Education with some new requirements for a plan by August for a science lab and more space for next year. Not a problem because we have plans in place for that already—it just takes time and money.
El Salvador plays Honduras in the World Cup soccer qualification game today. The game is in Honduras and dozens of buses are going north full of shouting and excited El Salvador soccer fans. Forty years ago the two teams played and a war broke out as a result—that will not happen today, but we are rooting for El Salvador.
We did experience a mild earthquake Sunday night. No damage that we know of but it was a wierd experience. If you see news about it, disregard your concern. God is caring for us.

Brad left us today so he can get home in time to go on another mission trip to Peru. He has trained 15 firemen, policemen, and ambulance attendants in EMT procedures. Brad’s enthusiasm and exciting personality were well received and he has been invited back soon for more training. We will miss him in our team.
The photo shows our team last night just before bedtime. We are all tired but happy. Much has been accomplished and more is happening. No word on the containers yet but the mayor and I are going to a meeting later this morning.
A group of 14 of us went to an orphanage yesterday to gain some insights on what will be required for us to begin an orphanage here in La Palma. We were all very impressed with their operation and were well received and briefed by the director. We were allowed to hold some of the small children—it was an awesome and humbling experience. The older children go to a Christian school and we visited it also. Some high school boys were playing basketball and I challenged them to send their 3 best guys to play 4 of our girls. In a short time they learned that Jewlya, Abby, Whitney, and Lindsey are great basketball players. The boys soon called in a 4th player but still lost about 20 to 10! Oh, by the way the whole school came out to enjoy the match.
The purity classes taught by Deny and Leigh are very well received. They have been asked to teach additional groups while they are here and to come back for more later! The attendance grew from Monday to Tuesday and will probably grow throughout the week. Attendance at church last night for Phil´s sermon the marriage and the family increased from Monday night also. Five ladies responded asking for prayer for their families and situations.
Visits to homes are going well. We need more time to do that.
For everyone reading this, please mark your calendars for a La Palma reunion at Monett, MO on September 26. It will be a cookout and a chance for everyone who has been here or is interested in the work here to meet, rehash old times, and look forward to new trips together.
This afternoon is the children’s program monthly meeting. We look forward to that. I need to go so I can attend a meeting about the container delivery. Pray for our continued safety and success. God bless you, Ralph

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