Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good morning! I am rested and getting ready to eat. The restaurant serves really good scrambled eggs, and the pancakes are real! I mean that.
The photos are from the first week here.
I continue to get reports of why the delay from the President. It seems that there is more than politics involved. The previous administration was extremely corrupt-people on the payroll with no jobs, friends got special treatment and rewards, stuff came into the country by the boatload without paying taxes on it, and the list goes on. The new government is trying to clean up some of that and be very careful what comes in. So, I invited them to come see what we have done with previous shipments and how they benefitted the people. One lady who was here and saw it last year is in the government and promises to help. She has been out with back surgery for --amazingly, three weeks! Monday I go to San Salvador and talk with whomever it requires, even if it is the First lady and the Pres. Also, my very good friend, Napolean, arrives back in the country today and will go with me. He knows just about everyone in government.
Pray for good things to happen! Ralph

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