Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Good morning to all—again. We still have a few things going on, but negotiating for the containers is our biggest job. The president still has not signed the release, and when he does, the Mayor and I have to go to customs to sign for it and pay the extra storage fees, which are almost $2000. Again, we are caught in a political trap. Tito calls and calls and calls, but since he is of the opposing party, they seem to ignore him. I have pleaded that the people of La Palma are the ones being hurt, and he agrees but seems powerless. I threatened to go to the newspaper with a story about it, and he said it probably would mean his assassination. I may be required to extend my stay even longer until we get resolution and delivery,
We had dinner at Reina’s house last night, and then continued our Bible study with Glenda and Fredi. They were both different last night-happy, smiling, and talking to each other. He starts work for us tonight as a part-time security guard for those times when Jose is not staying overnight at the facility.
Brandon and Isaiah left at 3:30 this morning to go home. They spent yesterday afternoon and evening with the extended family of Erika and Gabriel.
The sidewalk project at the school is near completion, and gates are being built for the front and back door of the school building for additional security.
We ask you to pray for us and the release of the containers—quickly. Doug, Morris, and I are the only ones here now. God bless you, Ralph .

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